Domain Name Search

Search domain name with Godaddy, powered by API, click the button for domain promo available.

About Domain Name Search

This tool powered by Godaddy API, search a domain name using our tool and activate godaddy domain promo code, 25%-40% off for your purchase. No need promo code, to activate discount domain names just click Activate Button, and you’ll redirect to Godaddy with discount.

Struggle for Finding domain Name?

Try our Domain Name Ideas Generator. This tool uses AI, this can help to find the great domain name.

How much does Godaddy domain cost?

TLDRegular PriceWith our tool
.com12.17 USD / per yr25%-40% Off click Activate Button
.net11.99 USD ‬/ 1st yr25%-40% Off click Activate Button
.co11.99 USD ‬/ 1st yr25%-40% Off click Activate Button
.ai59.99 USD ‬/ 1st yr25%-40% Off click Activate Button

Choosing a Good Domain Name

Choose a domain name that easy to remember as possible. just Keep it short and simple, today’s is really hard to find the domain name you want, mostly your sites name ideas are already taken by somebody, its true right.

On best domain name choice i suggest avoid using hyphens, numbers, and special characters, make sure the domain name is relevant to your business or related the brand you create.

Consider using keywords in your domain name can help your customers find you more easily. It’s also important to check if the domain name is available on social media’s. make sure the domain name is available.

 1. Dot com (.com) domain is better

.Com extension is the most popular top level domain (TLD). Now a days finding the best .com domain you like are mostly taken. In this case brainstorming for ideas for domains takes time because of the taken domains name you like, .com extension renewal price are fair, not like other TLD .co, .ai .net renewal price are high different.

2. Misspelled Domain Name Technique

Because the domain you like is almost taken. some people trying to misspelled there domain name for the sake of availability. Practically we see some businesses misspelled name like “Flickr”, “Reddit”, “Digg”, “Fiverr”, and “Tumblr”.

3. Shorter domain name is Better

As possible keep your domain name as short. Not only will it be easier to type, but it will also be easier to remember and share with others. We know mostly domain we like are taken, try it on other TLD like .ai or .co, Therefore, if you’re looking to create a website, it is best to keep your domain name as short and simple as possible.

4. Avoid trademarks

You must avoid domain name that include well-known trademarks. For example if register a domain name, the name with “Amazon” in the string, soon you’ll be receiving an email from’s legal department and asking to take down your domain name.

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